Roméo Mivekannin, Young woman with peonies, after Frédéric Bazille, 2023, acrylic and
elixir bath on canvas, 134x167cm. Courtesy of the Artist & Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin.

Roméo Mivekannin

Opening: 28.11.2025, 7 pm
Duration: 29.11.2025 – 01.03.2026

In his first institutional solo exhibition in Germany, Roméo Mivekannin mixes postcolonial themes with the spiritual power of Voodoo. He reinterprets European art history paintings by replacing faces with his own self-portrait and uses archival material to expose the colonial gaze. His choice of medium—old bed linens soaked in elixir baths following Voodoo practices—reveals a form of spiritual resistance.