Fig.: Nigel Rolfe, THE TIME IS NOW, 2018, © Nigel Rolfe, Courtesy of the artist
Fig.: Skip Arnold, ON DISPLAY, 1993/1995, Roger Merians Gallery, New York, 1995, © Skip Arnold, Courtesy of the artist

Liveperformances by
Skip Arnold (USA/F) + Nigel Rolfe (IRE)

Postponed to: 25.10.2022

Skip Arnold (* 1957 Binghamton, NY, USA) lives and works in Paris. His performances belong to the tradition of extreme body art. The artist questions the voyeuristic relationship between the viewer and the art object through situations in which his physical fragility and the discomfort associated with it become palpable. At the same time, he examines the body with respect to profoundly human parameters such as endurance, strength, presence and existence.

Nigel Rolfe (* 1950 Isle of Wight, UK) lives and works in Dublin. His œuvre deals with socio-political questions of having and not having, as well as conflicts within society. In the 1970s, before the now commonly used term ‘performance’ entered the discourse, Rolfe coined the term ‘Sculptures in Motion’ to describe his use of time and material.

Kunsthalle Gießen goes Unterer Hardthof

Due to renovation work at the Kunsthalle Giessen, the performative interventions will be held at the former brewery “Unterer Hardthof”.
EXBODIMENT is a collaboration with BLACK KIT | DIE SCHWARZE LADE. Founded in 1981, this vibrant archive for international performance art is intended as a source of inspiration for the present. It contains approx. 4,000 dossiers on performance, theatre and sound artists, 10,000 specialist publications, videos and photos in various formats, relics of performances and many metres of shelf space devoted to networks across different continents.

As a result of the Kunsthalle’s collaboration with the Cologne-based archive, all performances will be held in two cities. In addition to the dates in Giessen, performances by the invited artists can also be seen at the Kulturbunker in Cologne-Mülheim.

Further information:
Due to the worldwide Covid 19 situation, last-minute changes may occur. We will informyou of such changes in good time.

Kunsthalle Gießen goes Unterer Hardthof

Unterer Hardthof 7, 35398 Germany
Access information:
Please do not park in the courtyard.
Parking on the street in front of the entrance.
Line 7, bus stop ‚Unterer Hardthof‘
With special thanks to: